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Welcome to Rehearsal!

Are you facing an upcoming conversation or speech?

Finally asking for that raise or vacation time?

Or maybe your partner always tells you that you're coming across as demanding, and you are frequently misunderstood...


Running through what you want to say over and over again in your head is never as beneficial as practicing in REAL LIFE.

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Have You Heard of Mehrabian's Rule?

Albert Mehrabian, a psychologist known for his research on non-verbal communication. The basic idea is that communication is composed of three elements: words, tone of voice, and body language. According to Mehrabian's research, these elements contribute to communication in the following proportions:







What I Offer:

I provide a safe space where you can practice your communication skills without fear of judgment. I have nearly 3 decades of performance experience, and am highly skilled in vocal tone and timbre as well as comfortable with that anticipatory "backstage feeling", butterflies are very "at home" in my stomach! 


How It Works:

  1. Together, we'll run through your unique scenario 

  2. I'll take the role of your boss, coworker, partner, friend, or family member

  3. We'll discuss what can be improved so that your conversation can yield the outcome you desire

  4. You'll be ready to ask for anything you want, PLUS tips for future communications that you'll always have in your pocket 


Who Can Benefit:

  • Professionals and students preparing for presentations or interviews

  • Individuals gearing up for important or daunting conversations that they perceive as potentially confrontational

  • Those holding something inside: resentment is the poison you drink hoping the other person will die...if you have held something in for a long time and are ready to ask, or tell someone about it, we will work through the energy needed in order for your POV to be well-received

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.


What you resist, persists.

The "perfect time" may never present itself. So don't let it keep you up at night, or remain in a constant state of concern.

It's up to you to ask for what you want.

I know it can be tough, so let's get started! 

Yin for the Win

Copyright © 2024

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