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In this rapidly changing VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world, we need composure and the ability to adapt quickly. A bird doesn't fly south for the winter every year on September 19th at 4pm, the date is ever-changing based on the conditions, and they all move together as one. Birds intuitively know when a hurricane is coming, even weeks before. We too have an inherent knowing, but it has been drowned out by noise that keeps us small, compulsive, and reliant. In order to be future fit for huge waves of climate change, technological advancement, and major structural and economic shifts, we need Yin more than ever. 



Example - Lions and Gazelles in the Wilderness:
Picture a vast wilderness where lions and gazelles coexist. The lion is the apex predator, representing Yang. It actively hunts, strategizes, and takes charge of the chase to secure its meal. On the other hand, the gazelle embodies Yin. It's alert, receptive, and attuned to its surroundings, always ready to respond swiftly to danger. In this analogy, the lion's Yang energy is about taking action to achieve its goals, while the gazelle's Yin energy is about being aware and adaptive to its environment. Both energies are necessary for the survival of each species. The lion's persistence and assertiveness keep it fed, and the gazelle's keen senses and agility help it evade danger.

Like the balance between lions and gazelles, we have moments in life when we need to embody the lion's proactivity to pursue our ambitions, and other times when we benefit from embracing the gazelle's receptive attunement to stay aware and navigate challenges wisely. Just as the wilderness thrives due to the harmonious interplay of these energies, so too can our lives find balance through the dance of Yin and Yang.

yin yang  jessie rivest


Through archetypal coaching and exploration of sound, we invite you to unlock the hidden realms of your psyche---the full spectrum of your multiple voices.


Reveal untapped resources that will grant you energetic discernment, so that when complex issues arise you can bend, not break.  


By embracing the Yin within, you empower yourself to achieve harmony with a deeper understanding of your innate strengths. Join us on this transformative journey to personal leadership, and (remember your power) with Yin for the Win! 

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Transformative power – the gentle yet potent force that resides within all of us. Drawing from ancient Chinese philosophy, Yin encompasses the receptive, nurturing energy that fosters introspection, empathetic connection, healing, and self-discovery.

Both Yin and Yang are present in any given moment. Neither is more important than the other. However, as a society, we have mostly defined success through Yang efforts.  The driving force of competition, efficiency, productivity, and assertion are gifts that we all have within us individually, in our relationships, at work and throughout the collective consciousness. Now that we have hit a critical mass of Yang energy, systems and processes are undergoing significant change that require Yin to rise and balance out so we can move forward. 

Example - Sunrise and Sunset:
Imagine the cycle of a day, from sunrise to sunset. In the morning, the sun rises, bringing light, warmth, and activity to the world. This can represent the Yang energy, symbolizing action, movement, and the outward expression of energy. As the day progresses, the sun reaches its peak, illuminating everything around it.

As the day turns to evening, the sun begins to set. The energy becomes softer, and the world transitions into a quieter, more reflective state. This is the Yin energy at play—representing receptivity, stillness, and introspection. The transition from the brightness of the day to the serenity of the evening reflects the interplay between Yin and Yang energies.

Just as the day has its cycles of light and darkness, action and rest, our lives also have times when we need to embrace Yang for action and times when we need to tap into Yin energy for reflection and receptivity.

Yin for the Win

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